Ladies and gentlemen, Morph has made $28 in profit.
Takeout Central was pleased with our work. They didn't quote a single order over 60 minutes, and everything was delivered well and without complaint. Sending orders was easy, order numbers were pulled properly, and status updates were sent on time. I sat with Oscar and David watching it all happen. There were a few issues, but we were ecstatic. We were up.
But there are still things to fix, both technologically and in the business model. We've got an issue where orders are sent to all online drivers instead of just the one it's been assigned to, and it seems to have temporarily stumped Oscar and David. I worry that our basic design (kept rugged and simple to save money) may scaring off drivers. A lot of potential issues may continue to arise.
On the business side, I continue to worry about convincing customers of our value as more than an overflow service. To work, we need to be at a large enough scale to provide our drivers with business. Otherwise, its valueless. But it seems counter-intuitive to our customers to pay a premium on a service not yet validated while they already have a solution that works. They've already got drivers. They just finished a hiring spree, unsure if we will actually work, and they've got an excess. Where do we fit in? How do we work? What value do we provide? Sometimes, there is reason so be down.
But that is all just an opportunity to take on the challenge and improve. The ups are easy. The downs is where the real excitement comes into play. I believe in our technology and our business. I am confident in the value Morph can provide. Let's see what we can do.
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